Trailer Signage Complete

20 Jun 2024 by William McKeehan (KI4HDU)

Blount County ARES Members,

We are thrilled to announce that the final touches have been added to our ARES trailer! On Tuesday evening, just before our meeting, the last of the signage was applied. This milestone marks the completion of our trailer’s exterior, and we couldn’t be happier with the results.

If you haven’t had the chance to see our newly finished trailer yet, you’re in luck. We will be showcasing it this weekend at the Middlesettlements UMC Field of Dreams event. This is a great opportunity to see the trailer in action and appreciate the hard work that has gone into making it a valuable asset for our community.

We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed to this project. Your dedication and effort have truly made a difference, and we couldn’t have done it without your support.

For more details about the Field of Dreams event, please visit [Middlesettlements UMC Field of Dreams]( We hope to see you there!

Thank you once again for all your hard work and commitment to making our ARES trailer the best it can be.

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